NYPD Blue Cast's Best Post-NYPD Blue Roles, Ranked
NYPD Blue Cast's Best Post-NYPD Blue Roles, Ranked
The cast of NYPD Blue sure has spread its wings post the iconic show that ended in 2005.
The 10 Best Shows To Watch if You Like ER, Ranked
The 10 Best Shows To Watch if You Like ER, Ranked
Powered through the frenetic pace and heart-wrenching stories of ER and are itching for more medical drama? This list got you covered.
The 10 Best Shows To Watch if You Like 911: Lone Star, Ranked
The 10 Best Shows To Watch if You Like 911: Lone Star, Ranked
If you're a fan of 911: Lone Star, there's (thankfully) a wide world of lesser-known shows that can scratch that itch for drama, action, and sometimes the inexplicable. Popular procedurals? Not on this list.