Top 5 Brooklyn Nine-Nine Episodes Reddit Hates

Despite their fine scores, these episodes are skipped on rewatch most of the time.
Given the abundance of TV shows, there are few outstanding ones these days. But some series captivate audiences better than others. When it comes to comedy, Brooklyn Nine-Nine was one of the most beloved titles, garnering an enormous following during its eight-season run. But as popular as the show was, there were episodes that even the most loyal fans couldn't stand.
Here are just five Brooklyn Nine-Nine episodes that are hated by the show's fans on Reddit.
Captain Kim (Season 7, Episode 2, 8.1 on IMDb)
This episode, which follows the police department gang after Captain Holt is replaced by Captain Kim, may be one of the best of the show. Funny and quite cute, it features an Asian female lead, which makes it special. But the episode's treatment of Captain Kim makes it hard to watch, Redditors say.
DFW (Season 5, Episode 17, 7.7 on IMDb)
Focusing on Jake's hectic family life as he tries to connect with one of his many paternal half-sisters, Kate, this episode had a lot of potential to be heartwarming. But Kate's obnoxious personality turns off both Jake and the audience. And while the show's main character finds the strength to bridge the gap between him and his sibling, viewers seem unable to come to terms with her.
The Tattler (Season 6, Episode 3, 7.5 on IMDb)
Although this episode is quite eventful, with all of the gang members involved in some sort of activity, it makes for cringe-worthy viewing. The sitcom's fans say it's the depiction of Jake and Gina's awkwardly failed high school reunion party, which served no plot purpose whatsoever.
Casecation (Season 6, Episode 12, 7.5 on IMDb)
Supposed to be a sweet episode in which Jake and Amy's love is tested when they have to celebrate their anniversary while guarding an unconscious patient in the hospital, this episode draws the ire of the audience for the way Amy is portrayed in it. In contrast to herself, she comes across as petty and capricious. Also, her ultimatum to Jake is unfair.
The Good Ones (Season 8, Episode 1, 5.0 on IMDb)
One of the worst episodes of the show, it sees Rosa announce her departure from the precinct following George Floyd's death, while the rest of the PD tries to come to terms with Covid-19's restrictions. Perhaps the writers went too far in trying to mix serious issues with the show's silly jokes. Anyway, this episode is not very popular with the audience.
Source: Reddit.