The 10 Best Shows To Watch if You Like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Ranked

Supernatural with a sprinkle of humor and action on top? There's a lot of shows offering just that.
10. "Orphan Black"
Various versions of Sarah exist, each with their own life and quirks. They're hunted by religious extremists and exploited by biotech companies. Genetic engineering, body autonomy, and dark scientific experiments form the pillars of this mind-bending story.
9. "Supernatural"
As each season unfurls, the stakes rise from a vengeful yellow-eyed demon to literally Lucifer and the Apocalypse. Let's not even get started on Purgatory, the Multiverse, and God having a twin sister (and also – that ending!).
8. "Grimm"
Nick must reconcile his newfound responsibility with his existing job and relationships. He encounters everything from classic Germanic creatures to ones borrowed from worldwide folklore. We're talking Fuchsbau, Blutbaden, and Wendigos, each with their own cultural backdrop.
7. "True Blood"
Sounds like a simple love story? Well, think again. It turns into an intricate web involving werewolves, witches, and fairy-blood lineage. One could say that it's a supernatural soap opera with a Southern twang.
6. "Penny Dreadful"
Dr. Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, and figures from "Dracula" merge in a tapestry of horror and existential dread. Vanessa Ives, a woman grappling with a dark past, is our nexus point. Witches, demons, and werewolves hover around like moths to a flame.
5. "Sleepy Hollow"
Our Colonial hero and a modern-day police lieutenant, Abbie Mills, form the most time-disoriented team ever to tackle demonic threats, historical puzzles, and Biblical apocalypses. They confront not just the four Horsemen, but also Pandora and even a god from Sumerian mythology.
4. "Teen Wolf"
Season by season, the lore expands, complexities unfold, and Scott's tiny little problem of being a werewolf seems increasingly trivial compared to all the supernatural craziness in town.
3. "The 100"
Sounds simple, but wait until the ground greets them with tribal warfare, mutated creatures, and AI-controlled enclaves. From there, it escalates to a cosmic road trip featuring mind-swapping and god-like beings. Let's just say, if Buffy had to deal with this, she'd need more than a wooden stake.
2. "Wynonna Earp"
The show offers demons, revenants, and even trips to other dimensions. This modern Western vibe mixes with dark fantasy, slapping you with plot twists and turns to keep that adrenaline pumping.
1. "Charmed" (1998-2006)
So, Wiccan rites and spell-casting? They've got that in spades. Demons, witches, and even Greek gods make up the villain roster.