
The 10 Best Paul Dano Movies, According to Rotten Tomatoes

The 10 Best Paul Dano Movies, According to Rotten Tomatoes
Image credit: Searchlight Pictures, TriStar Pictures, Miramax, Twentieth Century Fox, Elevation Filmwork, Battle Mountain Films, Cold Iron Pictures, Madhouse Entertainment

From silent teens to multi-functional corpses, Paul Dano's diverse portfolio is an interesting ride, to say the least.

1. "12 Years a Slave" (95%)

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A somber dive into America's haunting past. Solomon Northup, a free black man, is kidnapped and sold into slavery. As he navigates through unimaginable horrors, he encounters Tibeats, played by Dano.

A cruel and insecure carpenter, Tibeats' malevolence is palpable. His interactions with Northup are a reflection of the systemic degradation slaves endured. It's not just a film; it's a mirror held up to history's atrocities.

2. "Looper" (93%)

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Buckle up, time-travel enthusiasts. In a world where the mob can send people back in time to be offed by hitmen called 'loopers', things get dicey when Joe (the main looper) faces his older self. Dano? He's Seth, a looper who meets a grim fate after letting his older self escape.

His role is brief, yet haunting. A reminder of the stakes at play. Imagine staring at your future self, what would you see? Regret? Hope? A target?

3. "There Will Be Blood" (91%)

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Did you ever take a stroll in the wild west of entrepreneurship? Well, Daniel Plainview (not Dano, hang tight) is an oilman, with ambitions higher than a geyser.

Now, enter Paul Dano, playing Eli Sunday. A preacher, a man of faith, in stark contrast to Daniel's oil-thirsty greed. This narrative? It's drenched in the black gold of tension. Oil and faith, do they mix? Think of oil and water, and you'll get the picture.

4. "Little Miss Sunshine" (91%)

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Hop aboard the family VW bus for this one! A family, dysfunctional at its finest, embarks on a journey to get their daughter into the Little Miss Sunshine beauty pageant.

Now, Dano? He's Dwayne, a teen with a vow of silence and Nietzsche as his BFF. Oh, the irony of a silent teenager amidst a cacophony of familial chaos. Their journey is a road trip with pit stops of introspection.

5. "Love & Mercy" (89%)

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Surf's up, and the waves are crashing with nostalgia. Delve deep into the mind of Brian Wilson, the genius behind The Beach Boys.

Dano plays young Wilson, crafting iconic songs while grappling with emerging mental health issues. The soundscape? Oh, it oscillates between harmonic melodies and unsettling dissonance.

Dano's Wilson isn't just crafting 'Pet Sounds'; he's maneuvering through the intricate web of genius and madness. Ever tried to capture lightning in a bottle? That's Dano's portrayal for you.

6. "Prisoners" (81%)

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Shadows creep, rain pours, and every parent's nightmare unfurls. Two young girls go missing. The prime suspect? Alex, played with unsettling nuance by Dano. He's a soft-spoken individual with the IQ of a 10-year-old. But is he the perpetrator, or is he just lost in the maze of this crime thriller?

Hugh Jackman's frantic father figure takes matters into his hands, blurring the lines between justice and vengeance. This isn't just a whodunit; it's a "how far would you go?"

7. "Ruby Sparks" (79%)

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Ah, the age-old saying, "be careful what you wish for." Dano's Calvin, a writer suffering from a block, finds inspiration in a dream. He conjures up Ruby, a fictional character.

But what happens when fiction walks into reality? When his typewriter spells become real-life events? Ruby Sparks, once confined to pages, becomes a living, breathing person. It's a romantic endeavor, sprinkled with existential quandaries.

8. "Swiss Army Man" (73%)

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Hang tight; this one's bizarre. Hank, stranded on a deserted island, is on the brink of giving up when Manny washes ashore. Manny, portrayed by Dano, isn't your average Joe. He's a corpse. A multi-functional corpse. Think of him as the swiss army knife of cadavers.

The duo embarks on a wild, surreal adventure to return home. Along the way, they explore life, love, and loneliness.

9. "Knight and Day" (52%)

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Amidst a flurry of bullets and high-octane chases, Dano's Simon Feck stands out as a quirky inventor tangled in espionage.

Though a minor role, his eccentricity offers brief comic relief in this action-packed roller coaster starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. When spies, gadgets, and global conspiracies mix, who can you trust? Maybe not Simon, but he's sure to catch your attention.

10. "The Ballad of Jack and Rose" (47%)

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Step onto an isolated island, where Jack and his daughter Rose lead a secluded life, away from societal influences. Dano's Thaddius is Rose's love interest, showcasing an innocent yet tormented facet of youth. As Jack's health deteriorates, the two grapple with impending change.

The film navigates through the complexities of father-daughter relationships, punctuated by Dano's delicate portrayal of young love.