
10 Justin Theroux's Lesser-Known Movies That Still Deserve a Chance

10 Justin Theroux's Lesser-Known Movies That Still Deserve a Chance
Image credit: Magnolia Pictures, THINKFilm, Universal Pictures, 518 Media, Lions Gate Films, SPE, DreamWorks

If you thought Justin Theroux was only famous for "The Leftovers" and being Jennifer Aniston's ex-hubby, you're sorely mistaken.

Here are some of his lesser-known movies that deserve a spot on your watchlist.

1. Broken English (2007)
10 Justin Theroux's Lesser-Known Movies That Still Deserve a Chance - image 1In this romantic drama, Parker Posey plays Nora, a single woman in her 30s feeling the existential weight of her unfulfilling love life. Enter Julien, portrayed by Melvil Poupaud, a charming Frenchman who sweeps her off her feet.

Justin Theroux spices things up as Nick Gable, Nora's almost-flame who ends up being a bit of a flake. After a few dates, Nora finds Nick in bed with another woman, propelling her toward Julien.

2. The Ten (2007)
10 Justin Theroux's Lesser-Known Movies That Still Deserve a Chance - image 2This comedy is a collection of ten short stories, each inspired by one of the Ten Commandments. Theroux plays Jesus Christ (yes, you read that right) in a story that's a quirky take on the Commandment, "Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain." He becomes infatuated with a woman who's married to a man named "Jerry," mishearing it as "Jehovah" and thinking it's a sign.

The absurdity of it all peaks when Jesus tries to seduce her by making a fish sandwich magically appear.

3. Mulholland Dr. (2001)
10 Justin Theroux's Lesser-Known Movies That Still Deserve a Chance - image 3As we all know, David Lynch doesn't make simple movies. Theroux plays Adam Kesher, a Hollywood director who gets tangled up in a car accident mystery. His film gets sabotaged by mysterious mafia types, his wife cheats on him, and his life takes a wild downward spiral. Amid all this chaos, he meets Rita, an amnesiac (played by Laura Harring), and Betty, an aspiring actress (Naomi Watts).

The trio gets sucked into a complicated web of events that includes a blue key, a box, and some unsettling visions.

4. Inland Empire (2006)
10 Justin Theroux's Lesser-Known Movies That Still Deserve a Chance - image 4Another David Lynch creation, another complicated plot. Theroux plays Devon Berk/Billy Side, an actor co-starring with Nikki Grace/Susan Blue (Laura Dern). The film they're shooting, "On High in Blue Tomorrows," starts to ominously blend with their reality.

The boundaries blur between the characters in the film and the actors playing them. Theroux's character develops feelings for Nikki/Susan, leading to an affair.

5. Your Highness (2011)
10 Justin Theroux's Lesser-Known Movies That Still Deserve a Chance - image 5This fantasy comedy stars Danny McBride as Prince Thadeous and James Franco as his heroic brother Fabious. Theroux plays the villain, Leezar, who kidnaps Fabious' fiancée with plans to impregnate her with a dragon. Leezar is hilariously over-the-top, employing magic and hammy villainous dialogue as he tries to complete his evil plan.

Thadeous and Fabious set off on a quest to rescue the damsel, battling monsters and encountering peculiar characters along the way.

6. American Psycho (2000)
10 Justin Theroux's Lesser-Known Movies That Still Deserve a Chance - image 6A cult classic, this darkly comedic film stars Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman, a Wall Street investment banker who's also a secret psychopath.

Justin Theroux plays Timothy Bryce, one of Bateman's friends and colleagues. While Timothy isn't as psychotic as Bateman, he's still part of the soulless, materialistic circle that Bateman moves in. Timothy joins Bateman in several excesses – strip clubs, lavish dinners, and an endless parade of yuppie conversations about business cards.

7. Wanderlust (2012)
10 Justin Theroux's Lesser-Known Movies That Still Deserve a Chance - image 7This is the film where Theroux met Jennifer Aniston. This comedy presents Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston as George and Linda, a Manhattan couple who suddenly find themselves unemployed. On the way to Atlanta to live with George's brother, they discover Elysium, a hippie commune.

Theroux plays Seth, the charismatic leader of Elysium. Seth takes a particular interest in Linda, teaching her the ways of the commune and stirring the pot between her and George. Conflict arises when George starts to doubt the free-love lifestyle and suspects Seth's motives.

8. Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)
10 Justin Theroux's Lesser-Known Movies That Still Deserve a Chance - image 8This action-packed sequel brings back Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Lucy Liu as the fearless trio of private investigators. Justin Theroux is Seamus O'Grady, an Irish mob leader and ex-boyfriend of Barrymore's character, Dylan. Released from prison, Seamus seeks revenge against Dylan and the Angels, complicating their latest mission to retrieve two missing rings containing sensitive information.

Expect fight scenes, car chases, and daredevil stunts as the Angels go up against their formidable foe.

9. Megamind (2010)
10 Justin Theroux's Lesser-Known Movies That Still Deserve a Chance - image 9In this animated movie, Theroux lends his voice to Megamind's father in the opening scenes. The film centers around Megamind (Will Ferrell), a villain who finds his life purposeless after defeating his nemesis, Metro Man (Brad Pitt). He creates a new hero, Titan (Jonah Hill), but things go awry when Titan turns out to be more interested in villainy.

10. The Spy Who Dumped Me (2018)
10 Justin Theroux's Lesser-Known Movies That Still Deserve a Chance - image 10Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon star as Audrey and Morgan, two best friends who get caught up in an international conspiracy. Theroux plays Drew, Audrey's ex-boyfriend who turns out to be a CIA spy. After breaking up with Audrey via text, he reappears in her life just as assassins are closing in, thrusting her and Morgan into a whirlwind spy adventure across Europe.

Drew's involvement causes a domino effect of events that include car chases, shootouts, and even a rendezvous with a handsome British agent.