10 Underrated Vera Farmiga Movies Fans Need to See
10 Underrated Vera Farmiga Movies Fans Need to See
There's a movie for every mood and a character for every craving.
The Most Underrated Anti-War Movies of All Time, Ranked
The Most Underrated Anti-War Movies of All Time, Ranked
Some of them are animated, some – star-studded, and each and every one of them – hits just a bit too close to home.
10 Underrated History Movies of the 1980s Worth Revisiting
10 Underrated History Movies of the 1980s Worth Revisiting
The reel of history may be dense, but that's what makes these films so darn engaging.
The 10 Best Movies To Watch if You Like In the Heat of the Night, Ranked
The 10 Best Movies To Watch if You Like In the Heat of the Night, Ranked
Ready for a movie marathon?
10 Underrated Emma Roberts Movies Everyone Probably Missed
10 Underrated Emma Roberts Movies Everyone Probably Missed
She's a Scream Queen and one of "American Horror Story" biggest stars, but did you know that there's a lot more to Emma's filmography?
10 Underrated Vigilante Movies of the 1970s Worth Revisiting
10 Underrated Vigilante Movies of the 1970s Worth Revisiting
Bet you haven't even heard about 70% of these.
9 Under-the-Radar Michael C. Hall Movies Fans Need to See
9 Under-the-Radar Michael C. Hall Movies Fans Need to See
We all know him as Dexter, but there is so much more to Michael C. Hall's filmography!
10 High School Movies from the 90s So Bad, They're Actually Good
10 High School Movies from the 90s So Bad, They're Actually Good
Not every film gets to be "Clueless," sadly.
10 Underrated Al Pacino Movies That Deserve More Credit
10 Underrated Al Pacino Movies That Deserve More Credit
The mainstream ones will always be there, but these? They're the buried treasures of Pacino's filmography.
10 Military Action Movies So Bad, They're Actually Good
10 Military Action Movies So Bad, They're Actually Good
They make zero sense, but that's not what we're after here.