Move Over, The Exorcist: 10 Unforgettable Possession Movies, Ranked
Move Over, The Exorcist: 10 Unforgettable Possession Movies, Ranked
If "The Exorcist" scared the bejeezus out of you, here's some great news: there's so much more just like it!
Billy Crudup's 10 Must-See Movies Critics Can't Help But Love
Billy Crudup's 10 Must-See Movies Critics Can't Help But Love
Here's a rundown of Billy Crudup's top 10 films that not only impressed the audience but also made critics tip their hats (which, as we all know, is a whole lot harder).
10 Underrated Slasher Horrors of the 1960s Worth Revisiting
10 Underrated Slasher Horrors of the 1960s Worth Revisiting
Forget the iconic slashers of the '70s and '80s for a minute, and let's rewind the clock. You might be surprised at how many underappreciated, gnarly horrors came out of the '60s era.
From Miami Vice to Movie Star: Don Johnson's 10 Best Films, Ranked
From Miami Vice to Movie Star: Don Johnson's 10 Best Films, Ranked
Don Johnson might be synonymous with those neon-soaked Miami nights and the iconic '80s TV show "Miami Vice," but the actor has also given us some great – although criminally underrated – movies.
10 Forgotten Jake Gyllenhaal Movies That Got Snubbed
10 Forgotten Jake Gyllenhaal Movies That Got Snubbed
Jake Gyllenhaal has given us some iconic roles, from "Donnie Darko" to "Nightcrawler," and even donned a superhero costume in the MCU. Still, there are a lot of lesser-known movies in his filmography that didn't get the attention they deserved.
10 Underrated Romance Movies of the 1990s Worth Revisiting
10 Underrated Romance Movies of the 1990s Worth Revisiting
Forget "Titanic" and "Notting Hill"; here are some of the lesser-known but equally charming movies to make you believe in love again.
7 Underrated Karen Gillan Movies Fans Need to See
7 Underrated Karen Gillan Movies Fans Need to See
If you're a fan of Karen Gillan, you know she's not just Nebula from the Marvel Universe. This Scottish actress has an impressive roster of films under her belt that deserve way more attention than they get.
10 Underrated Slasher Movies of the 1980s Worth Revisiting
10 Underrated Slasher Movies of the 1980s Worth Revisiting
Tired of the same ol' "Friday the 13th" sequels and wanna discover some of the more underrated '80s slashers? This is the list just for you, then. These are not your run-of-the-mill horror movies – each packs a unique twist and enough gore to keep even the most seasoned horror fan on the edge of their seat, hopefully.
10 Underrated Paul Rudd Movies That Deserve More Credit
10 Underrated Paul Rudd Movies That Deserve More Credit
Paul Rudd is a national treasure, and we're ready to die on that hill.   We're not talking "Ant-Man" or "Clueless"; here are 10 underrated movies featuring Paul Rudd you don't wanna skip.
The Most Underrated Psychological Horrors of the 2000s, Ranked
The Most Underrated Psychological Horrors of the 2000s, Ranked
So you've had your fill of Freddy and Jason, and the Hollywood big shots just aren't cutting it anymore? Here's the list just for you, then. Here are some of the most underrated 2000s psychological horrors that'll mess with your mind big time.