7 Underrated Cannibal Horror Films of the 1970s Worth Revisiting

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The 70s certainly knew how to dish out the cannibal carnage. 

1. "The Man from Deep River" (1972)

Let's kick things off with a good ol' dose of Italian exploitation. Here, a photographer gets captured by a cannibal tribe. Captured, but not munched on immediately, oddly enough. He earns their trust, love even.

The movie sways between brutal, graphic scenes and a peculiar romance, kinda like "Romeo and Juliet" if it was set in the jungle and, you know, with cannibals. An acquired taste, for sure, but isn't that what makes it so delightful?

2. "Jungle Holocaust" (1977)

Dive deeper into the foliage with this gem. A plane crashes, and two survivors face the unforgiving wild. Enter the tribe with a penchant for, well, people pies.

What stands out? The survival tale. It's not just man against man, but man against nature. There's a raw, earthy brutality to it, like biting into a tough steak. Grisly yet gripping, this one pulls no punches. Hungry for a thrill? Here's your dish.

3. "Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals" (1977)

Erotic horror, anyone? Here's the sitch: a journalist discovers a patient with a tribal tattoo. Fascinated? So was she. Off she goes to the Amazon with a crew in tow. Steamy encounters, mystical tribes, and, yep, a taste for human flesh.

While it might not win any awards for its deep philosophical musings, there's something utterly captivating about its unabashed fusion of sleaze and scares. A titillating treat, this one, if you catch my drift.

4. "Papaya, Love Goddess of the Cannibals" (1978)

Now, the title alone should give you a hint of the madness that awaits. On an island, Papaya leads rituals involving, well, human snacks.

But wait, there's a twist! An engineer and his girlfriend arrive, and instead of a quick bite, Papaya decides on seduction first. The horror! The allure! The confusing dietary choices! It's like blending a cocktail of terror and temptation. Would you dare to take a sip?

5. "The Mountain of the Cannibal God" (1978)

When you lose your husband in the jungle, the logical step is to search for him, right? But, uh-oh, cue the cannibals. While it's a familiar recipe of terror, the flavor here lies in its star cast, including the ever-dazzling Ursula Andress.

Gory, lurid, and packed with 70s style, this film serves up a banquet of barbarity with a side of B-movie charm. A feast for the eyes, if you're into that sort of thing.

6. "Cannibal Girls" (1973)

Ah, a break from the jungle! Here, we have a Canadian treat. Three lovely ladies run an inn. Their specialty? Guests for dinner. Not dining with, but dining on.

The dark comedy is a cherry on this cannibal cake. It's quirky, kooky, and downright delectable. Who knew Canada could serve up such a saucy horror? Goes to show, you can find cannibals in the most unexpected places.

7. "Primitives" (1978)

Hold onto your hats, folks; we're venturing into Indonesian cinema. Three researchers get more than they bargained for with an uncharted tribe. Tensions rise, rituals are observed, and before you can say "snack time," the culinary chaos ensues.

It's a classic tale of civilization clashing with primal instincts. Raw, relentless, and rife with riveting scenes, it's a mouthful of horror you won't want to miss.