10 Underrated Haunted House Movies of the 2010s Worth Revisiting

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Haunted houses and horror go together like peanut butter and jelly.  While the 2010s saw their share of blockbuster spook-fests, some hidden gems slipped through the cracks — here they are:

1. "The Pact" (2012)
Ready for some family drama with a side of supernatural? Annie returns to her childhood home after her mom dies and her sister mysteriously disappears.

Using a medium and her own Nancy Drew skills, she uncovers a secret room where her mom had been imprisoning and torturing a man — talk about a twisted family tree. Oh, and the ghost of the man is haunting the place.

Once you think you've got this movie figured out, it throws another curveball at you.

2. "You're Next" (2011)
What's worse than awkward family dinners? How 'bout a side of murder? A family reunion turns into a nightmare when masked assailants start picking off family members. But don't write this off as a typical home-invasion movie just yet.

The tables turn when Erin, one of the girlfriends, fights back. Homegirl sets up traps, improvises weapons, and straight-up kicks butt. Turned out, her boyfriend orchestrated the attack to get inheritance money. Bad move, buddy — Erin's not the damsel you thought she was.

3. "The Innkeepers" (2011)
The quaint Yankee Pedlar Inn — charming, right? Well, charm's not gonna save you from the ghost of Madeline O'Malley, a bride who hung herself in the honeymoon suite.

Two employees, Claire and Luke, try to document the haunting before the inn closes for good. Luke chickens out, but Claire has a face-to-face encounter with Madeline's ghost that she won't be forgetting anytime soon — or ever, considering she dies of fright.

4. "Housebound" (2014)
Ever been under house arrest? Kylie is, and she's stuck in her childhood home, which may or may not be haunted. After hearing strange noises, she discovers that a man used to live in the walls, spying on her family.

Kylie and her mom knock him out and he's arrested, but plot twist: the real ghost was a little girl who was killed by that creepy dude, and her spirit helps Kylie find evidence to put him away for good.

5. "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" (2010)
Produced by Guillermo del Toro, this one's got pedigree. Sally, a young girl, moves into a 19th-century mansion with her dad and his girlfriend. She finds a hidden basement and accidentally frees a group of malevolent creatures. These aren't your friendly household pests; they're ancient, child-eating monsters.

Sally tries to warn everyone, but who listens to kids? She finally manages to seal the creatures back but at the cost of her own freedom — she's their prisoner now.

6. "We Are Still Here" (2015)
This is not your grandma's haunted house — well, actually, it is. A grieving couple moves to a remote New England home only to find out the place demands a sacrifice every 30 years. And guess what? Time's up. At first, they think it's their dead son trying to communicate, but oh boy, are they wrong.

Turns out, it's the vengeful spirits of the Dagmar family, the house's previous occupants, who were up to some shady business themselves. The townspeople try to use the couple as the next sacrifice, but the Dagmars aren't choosy — they massacre everyone.

7. "Oculus" (2013)
Siblings Tim and Kaylie reunite to destroy a haunted mirror that they believe caused the deaths of their parents. Kaylie's got it all planned out: cameras, temperature monitors, and even a timed anchor to smash the mirror.

But the mirror has other plans. It distorts reality, causing them to hallucinate. In a tragic reenactment of their past, Tim accidentally kills Kaylie, thinking he's destroying the mirror. Yeah, this antique is straight-up malevolent.

8. "The Canal" (2014)
Infidelity and ghosts — a killer combo, am I right? David, a film archivist, learns his house was the site of a gruesome murder a century ago. Soon after, he suspects his wife is cheating on him. She disappears, and her body turns up in the canal.

As David descends into madness, or perhaps clarity, he discovers that the murderer's spirit is compelling him to follow in his bloody footsteps. Even his son isn't safe. In the end, David drowns himself and his son in the canal, joining the ghostly roster of the house.

9. "Dark Skies" (2013)
Okay, so it's not a haunted house, but a haunted family — think "Paranormal Activity" but with aliens. The Barrett family experiences a series of escalating paranormal events; their youngest even claims to have conversations with an entity called the "Sandman."

Spoiler alert: the Sandman is an alien, and he's marked them for abduction. Government agents offer help but admit they can't stop the inevitable. The film closes with the youngest son being abducted, as security cameras capture similar occurrences in homes around the world.

10. "The Visit" (2015)
M. Night Shyamalan, back at it with the plot twists! Two siblings go to stay with their grandparents but something's off. Granny's running around at night and Grandpa's storing used diapers in the shed. Gross and spooky.

Turns out, they're not even their grandparents. The real ones are dead, and these are escaped mental patients. The kids outwit them in the most Home-Alone-meets-horror ending, making it out alive but definitely needing therapy.