10 Underrated Gothic Horrors of the 2010s Worth Revisiting

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Here's a Pandora's box full of nightmares to unlock.

1. The Witch (2015)
1630s New England and a Puritan family find themselves exiled from their community. Banished, they set up shop near a forest—you know, the kind with ominous whispers and probably a Blair Witch or two. Enter Black Phillip, the goat.

Seems cuddly, right? Wrong! This little guy might just be a proxy for the Devil himself. As the family's crops fail, they point fingers, mostly at the teenage daughter. Accusations of witchcraft fly. No one's safe, not even the twins.

2. Crimson Peak (2015)
Guillermo del Toro serves a visual feast. Young Edith Cushing marries the charming but impoverished Sir Thomas Sharpe. Off she goes to England, to a dilapidated mansion called Allerdale Hall.

Oh, but this place is alive; its walls bleed red clay, hence the name "Crimson Peak." And guess what? It's haunted—by no less than Sir Thomas' past, including a late mother who's just a bit too attached. Murder plots and incestuous relationships are merely the icing on this decaying cake.

3. It Follows (2014)
Jamie, a teenager, hooks up with her new boyfriend. Bad idea, Jamie! She inherits a curse—get this—a shapeshifting entity will stalk her until she passes the curse on through, well, sexual intercourse. Yeah, don't try that at home.

"It" never runs; "It" walks. But rest assured, "It" always catches up. A beach house siege, electrocution traps, and a swimming pool showdown. And at the end, did they really escape "It"?

4. A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014)
Black and white, Iranian, and vampire—stir them together and what do you have? A spaghetti Western-horror fusion like you've never seen. The Girl is an enigmatic vampire, prowling the streets of an Iranian ghost town, Bad City. Drug dealers, pimps, and misfits, beware! She's your judge, jury, and executioner.

The film waltzes between scenes: a skateboard-riding vampire, a love-struck boy, a heroin junkie, and a prostitute. It's the vigilante horror flick you didn't know you needed.

5. The Babadook (2014)
Amelia is a worn-out single mom, and Samuel, her son, thinks there's a monster lurking. Cue the mysterious book, "Mister Babadook." Read it, and guess who comes knocking? No brownie points for you; it's the Babadook!

This Aussie horror takes the cake for being one of the few to make you afraid of children's books. "Don't let it in" becomes the mantra, but the Babadook is not just a physical entity—it's grief, and it has taken up residence in their home.

6. Hereditary (2018)
Ancestry.com, but make it horror—that's "Hereditary". The Graham family loses Grandma, but oh, she's not gone! Little figurines, spooky seances, and Charlie, the daughter, making that eerie clucking sound. Mom, Annie, sleepwalks and almost torches her kids.

But this is bigger than family drama. We're talking ancient demonic cults wanting Charlie as a host body. Just a heads-up, this one ends with a crown, but not the kind you'd want.

7. The Ritual (2017)
Four friends hike in the Scandinavian wilderness to honor their dead mate, but oh boy, do they stray off the beaten path. What's lurking in those woods?

Norse mythology gets down and dirty here. A Jötunn, a god-like creature, starts stalking 'em, wanting them to worship it. Oh, they kneel, but not in prayer—more in sheer terror. Churches as traps and trees as spectators, the forest is one big unholy altar.

8. Get Out (2017)
Meeting the parents—a horror story in itself, right? Well, amplify that by a gazillion and you get "Get Out." Chris, an African-American guy, meets his Caucasian girlfriend's folks. Oh, they're welcoming, but with a side of creepy.

What's up with the overly accommodating black servants? Why's everyone so obsessed with Chris's physique? The kicker? A twisted auction and a plan to transplant the consciousness of white people into black bodies.

9. As Above, So Below (2014)
A group of spelunkers and historians explore the catacombs beneath Paris, searching for the philosopher's stone.

Classic Indiana Jones stuff, right? But hell hath no fury like an underworld scorned. The deeper they go, the more their past haunts come alive, literally.

10. Midsommar (2019)
Dani, mourning a family tragedy, joins her boyfriend and his pals to a Swedish midsummer festival. Flowers, feasts, dances—what could go wrong? Spoiler: everything.

Let's see: ritual suicides, a love potion involving menstrual blood, a bear costume as a funeral pyre. By the end, Dani smiles, but it ain't from happiness; it's a full-blown descent into pagan madness.